sunglasses | similar jean | similar lace top | similar heels
Sometimes we seek advice, and sometimes advice comes to us that we didn’t really ask for. Either way, I think advice is well meaning! I also think, when we put any advice to the test… only then do we figure out if it was good or bad. And again – either way… advice is a great thing!
I shared a few pieces of advice I’ve received on my Podcast, The Ashleigh Deane Show – Episode 3 (criticism comes from below), Episode 4 (is it spirit driven), Episode 5 (expanding our focus to see the bigger picture)… and a few more. (Side note – I’m prepping for season 2 of The Ashleigh Deane Show and I can’t wait to share, stay tuned!)
The last few days, I’ve been thinking of some advice I received that wasn’t the best, but also thinking how grateful I am for it because it helped me re-direct my efforts.
Back when I was just formulating, I wasn’t quite sure what direction I wanted to take. I had never thought about blogging, but the more I learned the more I realized it could be just what I was looking for.
As I was researching and learning all I could about blogging, and I came across this quote:
“If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you’ll achieve the same results.” – Tony Robbins.
After reading this quote, and liking the idea I decided to model by blog, instagram, pictures, and everything after a blogger I admired. The only problem- blogging requires creativity and uniqueness to thrive. I couldn’t simply copy this blogger, I had to put my own spin on blogging to truly find success.
The advice served me well in learning how to blog, but now it’s time to blog my way!
I’ve taken some time off from posting because I’m trying to figure out exactly how to blog my way.
My dad gave me the greatest piece of advice when I left for my mission that I still use to this day. “Just be you!”
From now on, that’s what I’m going to do here- just be me! I’ve also learned in business, when you build it for others it’s a business and when you build it for yourself, its art.
I swirled that idea around in my mind for a long time trying to figure out what I wanted this to be and I finally realized, I want to create art. If this blog can reach others… that is a cherry on top, but this is a creative outlet for me and through sharing my love of fashion, food, travel, fitness, and more… I heal and become a better version of myself.ย Just like when I shared my experience with Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery, it was my way to heal through a very complicated 10 year experience with chronic pain. I wrote each post not knowing or thinking anyone would read my words. I did my best to share my advice and reflect upon my experience. To my surprise, many people did read and also gained inspiration and hope from what I shared. That is success to me.
Another piece of advice I cling to daily came from a job interview/audition I had for a news anchor position in Cheyenne, WY (a job I didn’t get).
I met with the news director and he told me that the best thing about the news is that “if you make a mistake, it’s ok you can try again tomorrow!”
Talk about great advice. I’ve kept that with me and applied it almost daily. It’s also helped me more than I expected because I lost the fear of making a mistake. Now I realized it was inevitable that I would make a mistake, and it was totally ok when I did. I can pinpoint the origin of my fear to my tenuous experience with gymnastics, being judged and observed at every turn.
So now, this is my tomorrow. I am making another go at blogging, this time with more determination, and less pressure on myself. This is my art, and I hope you love it as much as I do.
I’m grateful for this outlet, and even more grateful for you! Thank you for reading, following along, and supporting me. I hope to share advice that can be useful for you, and ultimately inspire YOU to live your most #LuxeLife! Here’s to a great week ahead. Go out there in the world and be your best and most #Luxe self.
Til next week, talk soon!
Just be you!
I miss you!
Iโm still coming for you someday!
I know God has it on the horizon and itโs going to be a glorious reunion!
Filled with laughter and fun!