

ADR Surgery

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Four years ago today, my life changed forever! I received an artificial disc in my lower back. Prior to receiving this disc, the quality of my life was subpar. I couldn’t run, couldn’t walk around the mall as I pleased, couldn’t carry groceries, couldn’t even lay out in the sun for more than 30 minutes without tremendous pain. I only had 2 nieces at the time, but I couldn’t carry them or play with them long before needing to go lay down on my back and rest. I knew my limitations, I was catering my life to my chronic back pain. 

My mom is struggling with back pain of her own right now and it is so hard to watch. Not only because I feel helpless, but also because it is a stark reminder of how far I’ve come – which brings me both gratitude and sadness. I remember the days I spent laying helplessly on the floor unable to contribute to society, watching the world go by, everyone seeming to enjoy each day except for me, and not understanding the fierce pain I was enduring relentlessly every single day. At the time, I didn’t know or think I could be better, I was making the best of my life. Although that is a positive and optimistic way to look at life, through my life changing surgery – I realized and experienced a better way.

I recently read a book titled, “Settle For More” by Megyn Kelly. If there was a book I needed to read at this moment in time, it was this book. I’ve always been a fan of Megyn Kelly and respected the way she lives her very public life – as the opening and closing tag lines of her podcast say: open honest and provocative conversations: no B.S., no agenda, and no fear – so is she! Her book outlines her life and her mantra of how and why she decided she would always “Settle For More.”

Reading her book helped me realize why I resonate with her so much, and why I can’t miss her daily podcast. She is fierce, determined, loves her family, and has had her share of life experiences that have shaped who she is today.

She was bullied as a 7th grader by her classmates, bullied as a FOX anchor/journalist by President Trump,  hired then fired from NBC, to starting her own media company. Her life experiences and choices led her to her best self all while surrounding herself with supportive people and following her personal mantra to “Settle For More.”

Looking back at the last 4 years of my recovery, I’ve reveled in the little things (which are really the big things), strived to live my life to the fullest, and after reading “Settle For More” I realized I too have promised myself to “Settle For More.” 

In talking with a friend yesterday, we discussed how easy it is to get discouraged if we aren’t where we want to be or when we find ourselves wanting what we don’t yet or may never have. With perspective, we realized how far we both have truly come. 

I said it last year and I can gladly say it again – I feel better with each passing year and I’m looking forward to year 5! 

Thank you, as ALWAYS, for reading and following me on this journey. I truly hope this finds you well, and again as ALWAYS…
I’d love to hear from you!

Previous Posts:  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11


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  1. You are a champion and a warrior, girl! Always encouraging and motivating.
    I haven’t forgotten. Someday I’ll be coming for ya!🙏🏼🙌🏻♥️. Thank you for sharing. I’ve missed you!