It’s been 3 years (+a few months) since my surgery and if I thought I felt great at year 2, I feel even better at year 3!
Pilates = Foundational
These photos were taken at my Pilates teacher’s studio. I wanted to include photos of myself practicing Pilates because of the impact and foundation of strength that Pilates has given me the last 3 years. I’ve said this before – I don’t love Pilates, but I’ve found it has been a necessary evil on my road to recovery and now foundational in my future life.
Earlier this year, I took classes to learn more about Pilates and also teach if I wanted to. During my first in-depth class, I started to understand even more clearly why and how Pilates has helped me stay pain free. Our bodies are incredible, obviously, but I learned how Pilates strengthens all the tiny muscles that are wrapped around our bones that also act as protectors. Nothing targets those tiny muscles quite like Pilates does.
By doing Pilates 3-4 times per week, I’m able to do other types of exercises I love. For example, Pilates has helped to strengthen my back and protect my new disc so I can safely run 3 miles everyday and do one CrossFit workout/week, as well as live an active lifestyle!
In my 2 year post, I was still questioning whether I should do CrossFit. During the last few months, I’ve been able to safely complete one CrossFit workout/week and I’ve felt great about it! Not only do I look forward to my one workout/week, my body feels prepared and I’m also able to fully recover before attempting another CrossFit workout. I’ve also added in a weekly hour of stretching at Core Pilates, which has also helped my body recover.
It does feel like I have a 2nd job with all my workouts, but I am happy to put in the time and effort seeing as all I’ve been through with back pain and struggles!ย Plus – it’s an ever evolving plan. Some weeks I change up my routine and some weeks I keep it the same.
Incision pain. I am 1000% happy to report – the incision on my stomach no longer hurts! I wasn’t expecting the incision to hurt more than my back, but wow oh wow – it did! For some reason, I compare the pain to when Arya Stark from Game of Thrones was stabbed in her stomach in the final season.
Intensity. This was something I wasn’t expecting to have to be patient with, but I found out early that pushing my body like I once did was going to look different. Thankfully – I’ve found the ability to push my intensity comfortably has become easier. Thus – harder workouts follow! It’s a give and take, but my body is definitely allowing more intensity now than just a year ago.
Would I Do It All Over Again?
My favorite part about sharing my story has been hearing from people all over the world. Recently, I received an email with an interesting question. Knowing what I know now, after 3 years of recovery – would I have the surgery again? It’s an obvious no-brainer, but the question also gave me the opportunity to really think about the WHY.
Absolutely I would I do it again, unequivocally – my answer is yes! But why? That is what I really wanted to share with him, and this post today answers that question. Not only has my quality of life exponentially increased, I’ve turned my pain into purpose, subsequently changing my life, mindset, and perspective.
I would never wish this type of back pain or extensive recovery on anyone, but if it allows growth I hope we all experience something that pushes us toward change.
Cadillac Reformer
Pilates Chair
Classic Athletic Reformer
Photos: Devin Bendixen
Cadillac – Chair – Reformer
The three apparatus I’m using in these pictures are all various types of Pilates equipment. Learning each apparatus and the different poses and variations, keeps me coming back for more challenges. There really is no limit to your Pilates practice!
Post Traumatic Growth VS Post Traumatic Stress
Through this experience, I learned that traumatic events can bring about a desire to live more authentically, referred to as Post Traumatic Growth. A traumatic experience can test you so deeply that you have no choice but to develop a new mindset and outlook on life, usually causing the rest of your life to be lived more authentically
This has led me to find immense gratitude for the pain I’ve endured – because it has completely changed the direction of my life. That’s not to say I don’t experience Post Traumatic Stress because I definitely do. There are a few workouts and activities I still can’t do because of the fear that’s associated with pain.
This experience has also helped me push past my fears in life, in general. Everyday is a gift! Our health is not a guarantee, so if we are healthy – take advantage! Live your life to the fullest! Go on that trip, put yourself out there, challenge yourself to live your as true and authentic to YOU, as you can!
Your best life is waiting for you!
Thank you for reading, following along, and sharing your stories with me! I love hearing from you and can’t wait to hear from more of you. Hope you have a great week ahead, I’m cheering for you!
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