
6 Months Post Op | Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery | Part 8 of 13

ADR Surgery

The Big Plan

You know those times you create what you think is a fool-proof plan and then it just simply disintegrates and fades away?! Super frustrating- but I’ve found when things like that happen, sometimes the alternate plan turns out better than your original plan.

My 3 month post op mark was a big milestone in my recovery, I was finally cleared for full activity. I originally planned to join a gym with personalized training/trainers, body fat testing, massages… the whole works! I looked forward to so many aspects of this plan and then, the gym closed a few weeks before I could join. HUH?!

Determined to find another plan and get my body moving again, I brainstormed and remained open to finding my next move. Meanwhile, I stopped by a new grocery store in the neighborhood and noticed a sign that read – CORE PILATES. The location was too good to be true- literally 1/2 mile from home. I checked their website and schedule, then booked my first class!

Isn’t this studio gorgeous?! It’s even more gorgeous in person, and the bathroom… WOW!

Reformer Pilates

I had a little bit of experience with reformer pilates before surgery and loved how it made my body feel without the added stress and impact on my joints. I got to class, signed in, and what do you know… one of my long time friends was in the studio also taking the same class! It was great having her there for two reasons 1)ย  Let’s be honest, it’s more fun to workout with friends. 2) She brought a sense of comfort that eased my anxiety seeing as it was my first full body workout, other than physical therapy, since surgery. I was nervous about everything- which weights to use, how much to crunch my abs, stretching, and of course the bend-lift-twist! The class was challenging and I was thrilled to find something that I knew was going to help me start to comfortably move my body again.

Through each class, my body was re-introduced to moving properly, resistance, and strength training/building. Every instructor knew of my injury and helped me modify a movement that might cause additional pain to my spine. I realized that this type of workout was exactly what my body needed to rehabilitate and in turn, strengthen the muscles around my spine and new artificial disc. My internist told me that if I am able to keep my body toned then ‘my spine would be fine.’ Pretty catchy, huh?!

An extension of Physical Therapy

I also found that most of the movements we did in class were an extension of physical therapy- glute bridge holds, single leg presses/double leg presses, lat pull downs, planks. Not only did every instructor at Core Pilates help me modify each movement if needed, each has extensive knowledge and training of the body and proper alignment/movement, which helped me have the confidence to push my body more and more each class. I started out cautious and apprehensive not wanting to disturb the new device in my spine, but about a month in I remember telling Heather, an instructor, (see below) that I realized I wasn’t even think about it anymore. Progress!

New Goals

For the last 3 months my workout goals focused on working my muscles again and making sure my body had proper alignment so my spine could continue to heal. It was a gradual process and Core Pilates was the perfect vehicle. Adopting this new workout model was quite a mindset shift from my usual workout goals (more here). Because of this experience and journey, I now have a completely different mindset about working out in general. I no longer workout to attain a better physique (although it is a wonderful by-product) I work out because it is now an act of self-love.

From here, I plan to continue practicing pilates on the reformer 3-4 times/week at Core Pilates, plus mix in more running to my weekly schedule. Pilates exposed a flexibility weakness in my hip flexors and hamstrings so I have been diligently stretching and it has made a huge difference. Not being able to BLT (bend-lift-twist) for 3 months tightened the muscles around my hips and legs more than I realized.

Support Along The Way

Heather, pictured with me above, was the instructor of my very first class at Core Pilates and many subsequent classes. She has been more than a great support and motivator during the last 3 months, she has also become a friend. Her bright and cheery demeanor mixed with her high level knowledge of pilates and the human body helped my recovery daily. I may have awkwardly smacked my face a few times with the equipment, and totally had workout brain (not knowing my left from my right or my foot from my wrist) more than a few times but she was always there smiling and helping. Which is also a great reminder that we can do hard things, but we can’t do them alone.

I want to applaud anyone out there that may be suffering. Chronic pain, addictions, trauma, all of it is hard. Don’t ever minimize your pain, accept it and be determined to find your solutions. The solutions are there, and so are people waiting to help you get back to your best self and sometimes an even better self.

Pictures by: Emma Esplin

Editing by: Brooke Gibbons

Looking back on this day 6 months ago, it’s unreal how far I’ve come and I can’t wait to see what the next 6 months will bring! Thank you for following along on this journey and sharing your stories and experiences with me.

If you’d like to continue reading, I’ve linked each post here:

ย Previous Posts: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7

Next Posts: Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12

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