A V-up is pretty much like a balancing act…on your rear! It takes a little bit of practice to get the movement just right so I’ve added a few modifications to help. We used to do these all the time when I was a gymnast and I love this movement because it activates so many muscles at one time. Like the burpees we did in my first workout video, the V-up can also be categorized as a full body movement. It is a pilates style movement and primarily focuses on your abs, but you also use your legs, arms and butt. I definitely feel each body part activated and burning at the same time!
This workout is high intensity interval training or hiit style. We will work for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds for a total of 5 rounds. Use the recovery time to really rest and then be ready to GO when it’s over. If you want to challenge yourself even more, try to do the same number of reps each round, remember your total reps for the workout and try it again in a day, week, or month to track your progress! Personally, the more reps I push myself to do with this workout, the better results I can actually SEE and also feel the next day. So – thats a hint! When you’re on – really push yourself, and when it’s time to rest- rest.
I hope you enjoy this workout, let me know how it goes, I’d love to hear! I also shared a quick preview of my next workout at the end of the video! Enjoy!