
Cozy Loungewear & Netflix Faves

ADR Surgery

Welcome to the #LuxeAsh version of Netflix & Chill

One month ’til surgery!! (more info here and here if you’re interested in my back surgery and artificial disc replacement journey #adr) I realize I’ll be lounging around quite a bit post surgery, and I don’t know about you, but too much lounging can get a little depressing. SO! I decided to counteract that future feeling and seek out cozy, comfortable, AND flattering loungewear outfits. I’ll also occasionally refer to myself as #LuxeAsh in hopes of reminding myself to always feel Luxe despite the situation.

1| 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 (sold out)

These two lounge pants (also in jogger version here) are probably at the top of my cozy list and they’re on sale for a great price. Made by Make & Model, comfortable, soft, neutral colors, and flattering. Same with the pajama set by PJ Salvage! The decorative kisses are velvet, oh so cute and comfy! I needed a pair of slippers so I went with these Patricia Green pair in ivory, but I could have ordered every color – black, hot pink, or red. All so cute! This Troop Beverly Hills t-shirt is so soft, and its a boyfriend cut so it’s not too tight and would go great with the lounge pants. The slip silk sleep mask is a necessity, especially after lathering your face with special nightly serums and eye creams. Lastly- this Madewell robe is absolutely dreamy. its made of soft fabric and falls to the perfect knee length. (also on sale – heart eyes!)

I’ve written a little bit about my favorite Netflix shows (pics shown above) and WHY they are my faves- hope you enjoy! Are any of my faves, your faves?! Or what are some of your faves I didn’t list and must know about? I’d love to hear!

8 – Atypical – An autistic high school senior decides he wants to live a life less protected by his mom and family as he sets his sights on college and his dreams. I enjoyed the family dynamics of this show as it gives a glimpse of how each person handles and is affected by the challenges and benefits of having an autistic family member. I began to root for Sam early on in this series and was truly impressed by his drive and motivation to overcome his challenges with autism. He is alarmingly self-aware, and honest! It is refreshing to see honesty so clearly and I think we all need a Sam in our lives.

9 – Dead To Me – Christina Applegate is the Queen of No in this series. See what I mean here (warning – lil bit of an F bomb at the very end) This series has so many twists and turns, just the way I like my tv shows! I felt like there were quite a few references to female empowerment and feminist themes, which I quite appreciated! I also appreciated both Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini’s acting. (who btw- plays Chutney in Legally Blonde – you know, the girl who gets the perm and turns out to be the murderer. Yes, credit to my mom for figuring it out). I don’t want to say much more about this series because you REALLY need to watch. The writing is brilliant and theย  dark satire is weaved with an unexpected but pleasant bit of humor. Will Ferrell is involved – need I say more?

10 – Brene Brown – I realized this special helps others that are not familiar with her research to easily learn more about her mission. She studies shame, vulnerability, and courage. I found her at a time in my life where I felt a lot of confusion. She helped me realize that not everyone you meet is willing to be vulnerable because… well- some people perceive vulnerability as weakness. Her years of research prove it is actually just the opposite, being vulnerable takes courage! It is fascinating to hear her stories of real life people being vulnerable, showing up, and living a whole hearted and courageous life. She is honest, funny, engaging, down to earth, and relatable. Her research is ground-breaking and necessary in this world we are living in. If you watch only one of these picks, please let it be this one! (and then we can discuss, k!?)

11 – Queer Eye – Ok, this list is definitely not in any sort of order because if it were this would be at the top of every list from best, most fun, most outrageous, all of the above! I love love love this show and love love love Tan, Jonathan, Antoni, Karamo, and Bobby. The people they help are also super lovable and it makes my heart sing seeing the fab 5 shine by using their talents to help others. I cannot say enough good about this show. Stop what you are doing, even if that means leaving this post, and go watch this show! You will not regret it! Also – season 4 comes out in July!

12 – Santa Clarita Diet – This has been on Netflix for awhile and I tuned in out of pure curiosity. Drew Barrymore is always a fave as she is so endearing! I just HAD to see what happened after she turned into the “undead.” Timothy Olyphant as her husband is so sweet and a great example of true love. He is willing to kill people just so his wife won’t starve, awww. The plot is so outlandish, it becomes funny. Or maybe I am just looking for anything to entertain me? I don’t know, but I enjoyed watching. Too bad it was cancelled before they could wrap up the cliffhanger at the end of season 3. I just created the ending and closure for myself, and sometimes thats more fun anyway!

13- The Society – This one is geared toward a teen audience, but it seriously drew me in like a tornado! It was a thriller from the first scene… The music gives off an eerie vibe, its not scary as much as it is anticipatory! The show also addresses a lot of social issues like: power struggles, chaos and leadership, sibling dynamics, high school hierarchies, manipulative relationships, and really makes you think inwardly. So deep! Only 1 season so far…

If you have any favorites, cozy loungewearย  or shows, please share! I’m definitely looking for any and all suggestions. Thank you so much for reading and following along!

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