When I was younger, I read lots of health magazines. I’m not sure why, but I felt it was really important to learn how to eat healthy and take good care of my body. I remember reading about water consumption and how important it was, I didn’t really understand why it was so important, but I sure listened! I made sure I drank lots of water, especially after workouts. It was like some strange programming in my brain. Looking back, I’m so glad I did because I feel like it is my number one tip to weight management. HYDRATION!
Let’s be honest, I love my Diet Coke. It’s a true treat for me! A treat I do NOT feel guilty about, but only as long as I’ve had enough water for the day.
I’ve listed some benefits, tips, and a simple formula to figure out how much water to drink each day.
physical and mental performance
weight management
boost energy
keeps systems in your body functioning properly
carries oxygen and nutrients to your cells.
flushes bacteria from your bladder
aides digestion
prevents constipation
normalizes your blood pressure
stabilize your heartbeat
protect organs and tissues
regulate body temperature
start drinking water as soon as you wake up
always hydrate before and after a workout
drink water before eating a meal
hydrate throughout the day
How Much Water Per Day?ย
Take your weight in pounds and divide by 2
multiply that number depending on your age
> 30 multiply by 40
between 30-55, multiply by 35
< 55 multiply by 30
divide that sum by 28.3
Total = ounces of water to drink each day
Thank you for reading and for your support! I’d love to hear any of your hydration tips, or wellness in general!