This was my second year attending #SimplyLA, a fashion and beauty conference designed to CONNECT like-minded individuals in the fashion and beauty industry.
When: Saturday August 11, 2018
Where: Americana at Brand | Glendale, CA
The day long conference consisted of two speaker/panel TRACKS to choose from (Influencer or Digital Marketing), a BRAND experience on the lawn of the Americana at Brand, and a GIFT bag weighing in at ten pounds easy! (which I helped STUFF behind the scenes)
She has an infectious entrepreneurial spirit that exudes a quiet kindness. In her opening remarks, she explained why she started Simply…”In high school I encountered my fair share of mean girls, then I worked in public relations where I was constantly told that I was being too nice. I founded Simply to combat the negative reputation of the fashion & beauty industry and encourage others to pursue their dreams in a nonjudgemental and kind environment.”I have definitely benefited from her cause and am so thankful she follows her passion to CONNECT. Another KIND entrepreneur I met through Simply LA last year, Julie Solomon of The Influencer Podcast, interviewed Sarah. You can learn more about Sarah’s uplifting story here:
Marcel Floruss | Lauren Bushnell | Lilit Caradanian | Nina Ojeda (Moderator)
Influencer Track Backdrop
Panel | Squad Up: Knowing When to Grow and Scale Your Business

Entrance to the Influencer Track Speakers & Panels

Snacks are a necessity am I right?

Sazan Hendrix and her Bless Box at the Brand Experience
Also a fabulous interview of Sazan on The Influencer Podcast you can listen to HERE
Every detail was well thought out and classy, down to the dainty admission wrist bands…

A little behind the scenes gift bag STUFFing… It was an all day affair to STUFF 500 of these babies!

And no trip to Southern California is complete (for me, anyway) without stopping by USC, my Alma Mater!
Fighting ON with Tommy Trojan!
I even got to reminisce a little by watching the band practice. It reminded me of making the long walk to and from classes as an undergraduate student. One day I was on the phone with my mom while walking to class and she asked “is that the band in the background?” It was so common to me I didn’t even notice…