Travel brings the sometimes dreaded challenge to pack the perfect suitcase. For my most recent trip, my self imposed challenge was to pack extra light – just one large purse for ten days of travel. (The bag I used is pictured below and can be purchased here!)
By the way, high five to me because I actually accomplished this task. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to pull it off, so I was quite proud of myself! I saved $$ on airline baggage fees, and minimized the amount of pounds I had to lug around.
I don’t consider myself a packing expert in the least as I’m always incorporating new tips to use for my next trip. However, I do have a few tips to share that will hopefully help packing for your next trip a little easier!
Lets start with 3 simple tips…
Tip #1 – Know yourself!
If there’s a shirt in your closet you haven’t worn in the last 3 months, you’re probably NOT going to want to wear it on your vacation! I usually go through my closet and pull out all my favorite pieces. When on vacation, its not your normal daily life, it’s much better! I want to be wearing clothes that make me happy, but also look great on me! After I sort through my faves, I figure out if I can wear anything on the trip I’m packing for.
Tip#2 – KISS – Keep it so simple!
You’ve probably heard this concept before and incorporated it into other areas of your life, but let me tell you, it is definitely a concept you can apply to packing! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve packed the most absurd piece only to ask myself later, what was I thinking? I also like to think about photo ops. I am quite picture happy on vacation, so I like to wear flattering outfits that photograph well. Neutrals are super easy to mix and match, just make sure you can wear every shirt with every pants/skirt/shorts and you’ve got an exponential amount of outfits to choose from!
If you want to pack a lightweight scarf or maybe a belt, that extra touch can add some spice, but only if you really feel the need! I tied a scarf around one strap of my purse to lessen bulk inside the purse. Now, lets talk about travel size toiletries, etc. For example, if you’re traveling for 10 days, pack your facial regime into the small make up sample capsules often given away at your favorite department stores. This helps free up mounds of space, and you can still keep that skin looking fresh on the daily! In addition, do you really need to bring all those eye shadow color palettes? Choose your favorite and know you’ll be home soon. Less is more!
Tip#3 – Roll with it!
This concept helps to settle any additional anxieties. It is especially useful to think about if you forget something. Lets be honest, I would rather not spend extra $$ on something I’ve forgotten, but knowing its an option or possibility and that its not the end of the world…helps relieve any pre vacation stress. Worrying should never get in the way of getting into vacation mode! This is a combo of your hard earned money and time off, and again lets be honest worry should be checked at the door of the departing airport!
Short sample list of what I packed on my trip: LBD (little black dress), 2 shorts, 1 jean, 3 s/s shirts, 2 sleeveless shirts, 2 mix and match bikinis, nice sandals, 1 workout outfit, and nike sneakers.
I’ve come to the conclusion that the best part about packing… is the actual traveling! So regardless of what’s in that suitcase, the most important thing to do is have a great time and make unforgettable memories!
Wearing my LBD outside the Parliament building in Athens, Greece 🏛
Again wearing my LBD while overlooking the beautiful city of Athens from the Acropolis.
*Bucket list – travel Europe with one bag ✔️
*Bucket list- visit Greece 🇬🇷 ✔️
I’d love to hear about your best packing tips, or an unforgettable memory from a recent trip!