Easter – April 2019
When I was in kindergarten I had an assignment to speak in front of my class about my heritage. The night before, my parents taught me about their nationalities. My dad explained being Italian a lot like the dad in My Big Fat Greek Wedding. My mom shared with me the heritage she knew, Texas. She was adopted at birth, born and raised in Houston, so Texas was all she knew! I introduced myself the next day, and many years to come, as half-Italian and half-Texan.
I saw men digging in the street outside our house when I was about 8 years old. I asked my mom what they were up to and she told me they were searching for buried treasure!
While carpooling my siblings and me around to our various activities, schools, and sports during our younger years… she wold blast her cassette tape copy of Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine’s greatest hits. I can still sing all the lyrics to “Conga” and “1 2 3 4, come on baby say you love me!”
These are just a few of the million reasons we adore Donna Lynn. She is fun, loving, motivational, spiritual, and an all around great time.
She is a mom first, and everything else second. There is no doubt she loves her children with a fierceness I can’t quite explain. In all the experiences my siblings and I had while growing up and even now in our adult years, my mom makes sure humor is a constant. When I was on my mission, her letters often ended with “please don’t forget the funny!”
The last two and a half years have been “bonus time.” The miracle that occurred Thanksgiving 2016 has been a reminder to “keep the funny” and “enjoy the now.” I remember my dad kept saying, life is fragile… so we say- eat the Pizza!
To all the Moms out there – thank you for your compassion, devotion, unconditional love… and please don’t forget the funny!
Love you Donna Lynn – thank you for everything you’ve taught me throughout my life. You truly are – One Fabulous Babe!