I must admit – this faux leather shirt took me some time to style, I even contemplated returning it. I loved the fit and chicness, so I persevered. I’m glad I did because it led to an unexpected outfit, and maybe one of my favorites! I thought the Valentino rock studs matched the edginess of the leather shirt perfectly without being too overbearing. Through the years I’ve realized my style personality comes across as classic, with a little bit of an edge. I like to try and keep a subtle balance- not too loud, but not too plain.
This transitional look could also works for numerous events- a holiday party, date night, or even a day at work. Plus -when the temperatures start to drop, just grab a coat, jacket, or blazer and you are set!
shirt | skirt | similar clutch | shoes,ย similar here
Photos by: Devin Bendixen
Leather adds an extra element that helps to elevate any look, whether it’s a jacket, skirt, dress, vest, or pants. See my wardrobe basics | +5 fall edition for more leather ideas. Do you have a process when you put outfits together? I’d love to hear! Thank you so much for reading and stopping by!