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Happy New Year & Decade!
For two reasons, I thought it might be a good idea to share my current workout plan. #1 – Some (maybe most) people are getting back into their workout routines and looking for some inspiration, or ideas. #2 – these workouts are partย of my artificial disc replacement surgery (adr) recovery.
Since I hit my 3 month post surgery mark, I’ve been working to get back to my previous fitness level … and let me tell ya, it’s been a journey!ย Through this journey, I’ve encountered a few challenges:
1) Finding an effective low impact routine… My physical therapist gave clear guidelines to follow in order to maintain a healthy spine – it has been a challenge to find a low impact routine that is both effective and enjoyable. It has taken a lot of trust and patience on my end, and also a lot of adjustments… both mentally and physically.
2) Overcoming the discomfort of working out again and pushing through the fatigue. I am so thrilled that I can fully workout, but after all that time off I feel the burn! Luckily, our bodies have amazing muscle memory. Which leads me to….
3) Continual patience with the recovery process. I’ve given myself a lot of grace during this journey by reminding myself to be careful, take it slow, and not get upset with slow progress because progress is still progress. (see my 2019 reflections post here)
I’ve been tweaking this plan every week since the end of October using trial and error. I wanted to find a routine that is #1 – pain free #2 – effective #3 enjoyable! Through this plan, I’ve set a goal to decrease my 5k running pace slowly each month. I love running but I only allow myself one run/week to limit the impact. My planned daily workouts each week will help my body gain strength/muscle tone and endurance to reach my running goal in a timely manner.
weekly plan –
20 minutes of cardio 4-5 days/week
reformer pilates (strength/resistance) minimum 3 times/week
long run for time (5k) on Saturday
Decrease 5k pace/time every Saturday
Photos by: Devin Bendixen
Low Impact
I’ve learned the benefits of a low impact workout and I’d recommend everyone give it a try! I do incorporate cardio everyday, which seems to be heavily debated. Everyone’s body is so different, what works for me may not work for someone else and that is totally ok. I like to do cardio in the morning before work as a way to wake up and add some endorphins to my day! I find I am happier overall when I’ve done my morning cardio. *I know running is not low impact… but my physical therapist and surgeon advised me to keep distances short and listen to my body.
Through sharing these goals, workouts, and experiences – I hope to help others who find themselves on that difficult (mostly annoying) road “back to fitness.” Our bodies can be unpredictable, no matter how many vegetables we eat or crunches we do, we are all susceptible to injury and an ever-changing body. Which, let’s face it – can be tough to take care of, maintain, and keep healthy despite our best efforts.
Unrelenting Pain
One morning, I woke up early to run and when I bent down to put my shoes on that dull and achy low back pain that I usually ignored felt more like stabbing, unrelenting pain. I couldn’t push past it anymore so instead of tying up my shoes, I laid down right there on the floor and sobbed. Realizing I had a back injury, I felt so defeated. No longer able to keep up the great physical habits I developed led to temporary depression. I am pretty optimistic, so when one thing doesn’t work out, I try to find the next best thing, especially when it comes to a workout. Sadly, in this case – I could literally do nothing else, pain was now my constant companion. How could it be possible that everything I did caused my body pain? I did not understand and quite frankly, still don’t. However, it has been humbling and reflective to slow down and allow my body to heal. I’ve learned so much in the process and hope to share more as this journey continues.
Monthly Workout Series
I also plan to share the adjustments I make each month based on my progress, which will result in a new and updated weekly workout schedule. I’ve set a long term goal to reach a specific pace in my 5k run- I love running and setting this goal helps me push forward and also gives me a clear target to aim for. Again, everyone is so different! Some people set weightlifting goals and that works too, just as long as you can measure your progress any goal will work. It also helps to choose something you enjoy, I love running so I am excited to push myself and reach my goal pace.
Thank you for reading and following along, I’d love to hear your weekly workouts or how you measure your progress! Here’s to 2020, it shall be the Best Year Yet!
Typical Weekly Workout Schedule:
AM cardio – 20 minute peloton/spin
PM 55 min pilates reformer class
AM cardio – 20 min peloton/spin
5k run for time