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In February, I decided to leave my part time job as a news anchor. It was a tough decision, but one I knew I needed to make. I was enjoying the new challenge, but didn’t have the time in my schedule to really devote myself to it. Some say you can change a few words in the last sentence to… it wasn’t a priority. But honestly, I truly enjoyed the job and wanted to keep doing it. I miss it! I just had to think realistically. My main job is teaching. I’ve been a teacher for ten plus years, and I’m teaching a fabulous curriculum in a great school. I love my schedule, I have great benefits, and the teachers and administrators help me want to reach my full potential as a teacher, which I love! That doesn’t happen often in education, as I know from my ten plus years of experience.

So! The question I’ve been pondering – how do I incorporate my new desire and skills I’ve learned to “relay news to the public” on my own… while keeping my career as a high school teacher? And, what does “relay news to the public” look like?

December 2020, I did a podcast with The InSide Podcasters and it aired last month. In the episode, I talked about my experience with my back and how it led to creating this blog and my unexpected job in the news! I loved listening to my story, I know that sounds kind of… full of myself… but I loved hearing it bc it helped me put things into perspective in my own life.

Things always happen for a reason, I truly believe that!


I love this blog and the opportunity to share my favorite fashion, fitness, foods, and a few personal stories… but lately I’ve been feeling like I want to make a slight PIVOT, not quite sure yet what that means… or what it looks like. But! I’m excited to follow my instincts and I’m looking forward to sharing more with you in the coming months!

Thank you, as always, for reading and following along. I am truly thankful for this platform and opportunity to meet so many wonderful people!

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