
Wardrobe Staples | Add 5 – Summer Edition


Bathing Suit Top | Bottoms | Earrings | Similar Kimono (Cover-Up) | Similar Hat | Sunnies

It might be close to the end of summer, but this is a great time to snag summer pieces at a discount. In fact, I just purchased this swimsuit at a great price and I love that I can get a little wear out of it now and it’ll still have that fresh new feeling when I pull it out next summer!

Here’s my list of 5 must-have summer basics:

1. Bathing suit
I know this is an obvious one, but I think it’s important to buy at least one new swimsuit every summer! I also love to mix and match my two pieces, so I tend to buy in a general neutral color scheme or make sure more than 2 items I already own will match.
2. Bathing suit cover up
So many items can serve as a cover up- maxi dress, sun dress, sarong, and even an oversized button down shirt. Be creative!
3. Sun hat
Gotta protect that skin, honey!
4. Shorts
One pair in your most comfortable length and versatile color. If you don’t love shorts, you can substitute shorts for a skirt! You just want to have something to wear when your regular length jeans are just too hot for those summer days.
5. Beachy Bag
Think big and easy to clean!

I think of each item I add to my closet as an investment – and I want to get the most wear out of my investments as possible! Don’t you?! So how do we know what we NEED vs what we WANT?ย  It’s definitely a personal question because we all have such different lives and lifestyles. I put together a list of my 10 wardrobe essentials last year – and I constantly reference it in my mind when I’m shopping. I think it’s a great starting point and can definitely be edited for your unique lifestyle. My goal is to build a wardrobe I won’t grow tired of, and more importantly – eliminate that annoying “I don’t have anything to wear” thought.

As with all my seasonal +5 wardrobe addition posts (fall, spring) I suggest investing in classic pieces that can be worn for multiple years. With endless clothing options and ideas out there, I think it’s important to have a solid idea of the best basics or essentials you need to have in your closet. This helps eliminate overbuying or not wearing the items you purchase.

What are your summer or basic wardrobe necessities? I’d love to hear!

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