I can’t tell you how I felt after my very first run because I don’t remember it! However, I do remember why I started running.
During my gymnastics days, I loved when we would run for our daily conditioning. Weird, I know. We would run around the floor on the lines several times and it was bliss for me! I never looked at the clock, a sure sign of wanting to move on…
After I “retired” from gymnastics, my body needed to move so I went outside and just ran. Honestly! I think I would run in a pair of jean shorts and vans. I didn’t know what I was doing, but it felt great and it was free.
When I got to college, I also ran when I had time. I remember running the streets of Los Angeles and finding movie sets and tables full of catered food. One afternoon, also in LA, a car actually ran into me (going very slowly) and it didn’t even phase me, I just kept running!
After college, I began running in the mornings. It was a great start to my day, my mind and body felt alive! I wasn’t interested in running races, it was just fun for me. In 2009 I broke down and agreed to run a half marathon with a friend, which solidified my non-desire to race. The next race I completed was another Half Marathon in 2015, a chance to celebrate 1 year of recovery from my first back surgery, again solidifying what I already knew… I do not like races. I’m a recreational runner, and proud!
When I started CrossFit I refused to call myself a “CrossFitter, I just resonated more with running. But oh my… CrossFit made me a faster runner and that’s when I got a crazy idea.
I decided I would work up to a 20 minute 5k. I forced my students to run a 5K in 2014, and that is my all time PR – 24.39 minutes.
After my 2nd back surgery, my goal was always to stay pain free, but I hoped to get back to running as soon as I felt up to it! I wanted the chance to train for my 20 min 5k goal again. March 2021, I was running 3-5 miles daily and feeling great! Then… I started feeling a pain in my hip that would come and go, but I definitely felt something was off. I decided to scale back a bit in April and then I jumped the gun and hired a running coach in May.
After my first month with a designated training plan and an eye on my crazy goal, my hip was extremely inflamed and I was in even more pain. I decided to hold off on training and figure out what was wrong. Trips to a few doctors and an eventual MRI, I learned I had a labral tear in my right hip.
Long story short, I had to take even more time off running to let my hip heal (4 months: August – November ’21) I didn’t know how long it would be, but I knew I had to stop running for a little bit. Luckily, my running coach experienced the same injury so she had some positive tips and perspective!
Now for the reason I’m sharing my whole long story, and thank you for sticking with me. I am all healed up, and ready to start my training again! I want to document the path and journey to reaching my 20 minute 5k goal. Including all the gear that helps me get there (newest running shoes, favorite sports bra, shorts) Reaching goals is always more fun when you share it with others, right? I’m also hoping you’ll share your goals with me!
This week is my third back to running, I have to do a bit more recovery than I’m used to – heat, ice, stim, massage… but it is all worth it and I am feeling great!
I just watched my running coach reach her sub 3 hour marathon goal at CIM December 5th and felt so motivated! I know I can reach my 20 minute 5k goal… it just takes hard work, consistency, and dedication. I also think it will be so rewarding once I finally reach the goal because of what I’ve overcome with my injuries.
I love running with my whole heart! It is the workout I look forward to doing most, and the workout I haven’t been able to fully participate in for quite some time. I’m looking forward to sharing this journey with you! Thank you for reading and following along. You can follow more of my daily runs on my Instagram account – Ashleigh_Deane here!
So excited for you and this big goal for yourself!
Thank you! So inspired by you!!