
My Weekly Workout Routine | March

Health & Fitness

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Before we get into this month’s goals and adjustments, I want to talk about consistency. It may seem like every month is more of the same, and that is because fitness is a lifetime pursuit that doesn’t end. I have goals I want to reach, and those goals take time to achieve. If I’m inching closer to them each month, then I will eventually attain my goal. Looking back on my 2020 motto and 2019 Reflections, I shared the idea that slow and steady will eventually win the race. It’s not entertaining, or exotic, it is deliberate and consistent. January -check, February -check – we are 1/6 of the way through the race (year). The time will pass whether we are pursuing our goals or not…might as well put in the time!

What went well?

  1. Consistency
  2. Pain Management

What needs improvement?

  1. Intensity
  2. Running pace

I visited the physical therapist for some hip flexor and hamstring issues. I felt tight, more tight than usual and I wanted to ask questions, share my progress, and get feedback to apply to my workouts. After a few stretch tests, it was my hip flexors and piriformis, which is a small muscle located deep in the buttock, behind the gluteus maximus. Both are highly intertwined, so I’m working on stretching both in tandem. (Sharing a workout video soon, and stretches)

I’ve decided its time to pump up my morning cardio from 20 minutes to 30 minutes. I’ve been doing PowerZone workouts on the Peloton, which has been helpful. I repeat each workout after 1 week and try to improve my output, so on Monday I choose a workout and the following Monday I do the same one with a goal to go harder! (measured by output on the bike)

Running pace:
Not sure if my goal is off or if I really am struggling. I did decrease the pace overall compared to last month – so thats good! I also realized, through a visit to the physical therapist, that my hip flexors are extremely tight! This may be a big reason I’ve been struggling with running. It has been hard to get back into my running rhythm, but mostly because it’s been over a year since I have been consistently running. I’ve tracked all my runs on my Nike+ app for the last 7 years, so looking back on my previous runs and paces is kind of nice to see. It gives me hope that I can get back there! I will keep at it…


  1. Add 1 Ballet class and 1 CrossFit/HIIT workout to substitute for 2 strength training workouts (current Reformer Pilates).
  2. Increase morning Peloton workout to 30 minutes
  3. Add an optional 2 mile afternoon run (Monday-Friday)
  4. CrossFit/HIIT will focus on full body, low impact/spine friendly movements but still at a high intensity. (I plan to post a video of my weekly workouts)

I think adjustments are my favorite part of planning my new routine. It’s a chance to assess the last month, think about how my body is responding, and then figure out how to push myself – because that is when I really see results.

I’m substituting ballet and a CrossFit workout for 2 reformer pilates workouts in the hopes that I can shake things up a bit! I figured Ballet would be perfect because it’s low impact, goes along with my pilates training, and helps to stretch out my muscles. I loved CrossFit so much because of the combination of high intensity and resistance/strength training. It is also a sport, so I don’t feel like I’m just working out and conditioning, I can strategize the workout and redo it at a later time to see improvement.ย  Both Ballet & CrossFit bring something to my routine that was missing, and both are a great compliment to my gymnastic days. I couldn’t add these types of workouts to my routine until I was ready, so this is a definite sign of improvement!


1. Decrease 5K pace/time every week
2. Decrease body fat mass/body fat percentage.

Stretch daily
30 minutes of cardio (Peloton) 4-5 days/week
3 Strength/Resistance Workouts
(Ballet/Reformer Pilates/Hiit-CrossFit)
Long run for time (5K)

Photos by: Devin Bendixen


I’m adding the option to incorporate more cardio (afternoon 2 mile runs) into my routine because thats what my body responds well to. The Reformer Pilates was a great way to get moving again, but after 4 full months I realized my body is craving something more. If it was up to me, I would have started back to running as soon as possible! Instead, I took it slow and consistently listened to my body; now I feel ready to get back to daily runs. It has been really hard to slow down as much as I have, but I know in the long run, it will be well worth it. I’d rather heal properly at a slower pace than go out too hard and risk re-injuring myself. Let’s be honest, I don’t have time for that!

Thank you for following along. I wish you well on your workouts this month and can’t wait to check in again next month. The last 2 months have flown by, lets make the most of the next 30ish days! We got this….


AM Stretch & 30 minute Peloton
PM Run 2 miles (optional)
AM Stretch & 30 minute Peloton
PM Run 2 miles (optional)

AM Stretch & 30 minute Peloton
PM Run 2 miles (optional)
20 min HIIT/CrossFit (low impact/spine friendly)
AM Stretch & 30 minute Peloton
PM Run 2 miles (optional)
AM Stretch & 30 minute Peloton
PM Run 2 miles (optional)
Pilates Reformer 55 minutes
AM Stretch & 5k run

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