
Episode 1 | SFD



Podcast Transcript:

Hello! Welcome to the Ashleigh Deane Show, I’m Ashleigh Deane.

Wow, I have been wanting to do this for a long time, I’m so glad I am actually doing it! So, thank you for listening and being here! My hope is that this light hearted episode can brighten your week and bring a smile to your face.

Something I’ve learned about myself is that I am a nerd! I was a high school teacher for 14 years, welcome to my new classroom, and I loved teaching, and doing research, but I mostly love learning. About 7 years ago I felt a pull away from teaching.. but I wasn’t sure what it was, so I dabbled here and there, trying to figure it out, learning along the way – learning things about the world, and about myself. Ultimately leading me to a job in the news, and starting my blog – AshleighDeane.com So this podcast is kind of a culmination of my brief time working in the news, and my time as a high school teacher, and hopefully a chance for YOU to get to know ME a little better! You’ll find out in no time how much of a doofus I am, but also how much I love the people around me, mostly because they love and accept my doofus side… I just can’t help it sometimes. 

I also realized I might like doing a podcast bc about a year ago “the inside podcast” interviewed me. I was pretty nervous because you never know, I could say something lame, or just not be good at it, and I’m pretty sure I did both, but I had fun! Couple that with a full year teaching high school curriculum to a blank screen on a computer… I figured having my own podcast wouldn’t be far from that, right? Well – we will see. I am a fan of Brene Brown and her work… so if you are too – you’ll know what I mean when I say – this is my shitty first draft! I am doing it, and I can only get better from here! 

 So – what happened in the world this past week? I usually catch up on current events through podcasts, but last week I was at a retreat in beautiful Couer D’Alene Idaho so I haven’t had a chance to consume much media, and its been refreshing! But I guess I can comment on the SLAP! Eventhough it may be old news by now.. In my opinion, I think it is a perfect display of our current society… and this short clip of a longer bit by Bill Maher he declares ‘this war on jokes must end….’

I’d also like to add – last weekend was the semi-annual general conference address of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. If you’re not familiar, it’s a chance for leaders of the church to share faith filled messages with the world. Which lets be honest, we can all use. Copies of all speeches can be found online here.

I am always fascinated with the why! What gives people their direction, motivation, beliefs? I plan to invite others to share with me here in the future… but today… its just me!

Lately, I’ve really felt like things in my life have finally started to make sense. For so very long, I felt like I was just putting one foot in front of the other, while listening to my heart, but not really knowing where it was leading. 

If you’ve read the Alchemist – you know the phrase “personal legend” and “omen.” I believe we all have a personal legend within us, and when we listen to that, even when it doesn’t make sense to others and maybe sometimes ourselves… we are walking the path that’s going to lead us to our full potential. We find omens along the way, that are reminders we are on the right track. One of those omens for me, came in the form of the retreat in Couer D’Alene, I mentioned earlier. As soon as I found out about it, it would’t leave my mind. And after attending, I know I was supposed to be there. I met incredible people, and we shared incredible moments. Had I not trusted in my personal legend, I would have missed out on something beautiful. Stay tuned for next week… where I’ll ask someone else about their why!

Part of this podcast, I want to share inspiring stories to give you hope. The world today can suck our hope away if we let it! So, today I want to share a miracle my family experienced through my mom. 5 years ago she had an aortic dissection – which basically means, an artery in her heart burst. Not many people survive, but I watched that miracle unfold step by step, and there’s no other explanation for what happened. 

I had just gotten home for Thanksgiving, I was living in Austin, TX. My parents took me out to eat at the Palazzo – my favorite! We laughed, we joked, we ate, and we took a picture of the 3 of us. Later That night, my mom had a severe pain in her chest, and barely made her way to her bedroom to tell my dad. She’s quite dramatic, so when she told him she was dying… he wasn’t sure. Then, he knew she was serious. The ambulance came to get her, and my brother woke me up to tell me. We all went to the hospital, and sat for several hours before they figured things out. Her aorta had burst and she needed emergency open heart surgery.. the surgeon told us she had a 50/50 chance to live and this was the most complex and difficult surgery on hearts to perform, and then told us of many more possible complications. We waited for hours during the surgery while many friends and family came to comfort us. My mom lived, she defied the odds. 

We don’t always know the why behind stories like this, but I think if we remember every day is precious and as my dad told us – life is fragile, we can make each day count and live with intention because we don’t know how many more we have with our loved ones.

Thank you for listening to the Ashleigh Deane Show!

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