
Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery | Part 3 of 13

ADR Surgery

Shirt | Earrings

How did I find answers and the Texas Back Institute? I felt like I was on a wild goose chase, but looking back I now see how all the dots connected perfectly leading me right to where I needed to be.

After explaining my situation to my current physical therapist in August 2018, he suggested I look into artificial discs. He mentioned the recent technological advancements and FDA approvals… but I was NOT interested! Remember how I felt about surgery? ( here)

I found myself limiting my activities to just the necessities – errands, and to and from work. Exciting life, right? I also wasn’t sleeping well. Out of curiosity one late and sleepless night- I searched Pinterest for “artificial disc replacement surgery’ and found this video:

The information was presented so well and helped me understand the procedure more clearly. I also learned not everyone is a candidate for an artificial disc. It got me thinking, am I a candidate? If so, how do I find out? I contacted The Center for Disc Replacement and spoke to a very informed and professional representative the next morning. She sent me an email with a list of medical records to return so one of the three surgeons could determine if I was a candidate. They offer a free consultation for out of state patients.

While my records were in the mail and being evaluated:

The Texas Back Institute added me to a facebook group named “Center for Disc Replacement.” I saw it as a type of support group and I was totally intrigued! I read this story below and couldn’t believe the similarities to my own experience.


His symptoms and situation were SO similar to mine! First a microdiscectomy, then so much pain he found himself limiting his life. Hearing his success story gave me a glimmer of hope!

I also decided to seek advice from a doctor in Las Vegas. I made an appointment with an internist who regularly works with the athletes/acrobats from the show Le Reve. I figured – he must know how to help with back pain. His advice was very clear, he said “this is your back, get it fixed!” He also counseled to seek out the best surgeons for the procedure you need. I felt peace and started to think maybe I was on the right track.

I waited and waited to hear from the surgeons regarding my possible candidacy. Was I? Wasn’t I? It was definitely hard not to think about. I also reached out to other practices that perform Artificial Disc Replacements throughout the country. Then, the 2019 Masters happened. Watching Tiger Woods lead and eventually win was so inspiring! We were all so happy for him, seeing as he had been through so much struggle, pain, and multiple injuries. I decided to research his surgeries because I knew he had some back issues…. Turns out – his surgery was performed by one of the 3 surgeons at The Center For Disc Replacement at The Texas Back Institute, the very same practice I had found through a random Pinterest search. I was in shock!

Just a few days later – I found out I was a candidate for L5/S1 ADR. Still in shock, I made arrangements to fly to Plano, TX and meet Dr. Blumenthal in person.

It was calming to meet him. Seeing the way he and his office staff operated, I could tell this wasn’t an ordinary doctor’s office.

Dr. Blumenthal reassured me that everything I had done up until this point was exactly what I should have done. Regarding my first surgery, he said it was the right call. He explained to me that sometimes after a Microdiscectomy, the bones collapse onto each other just like mine did and it can be very painful. He then told me I was a perfect candidate for ADR and that I had done my research. Only about 50% of people who submit their medical records are actually candidates. More and more, I saw all the pieces coming together.

I went ahead and scheduled surgery for July 23, just 2.5 months away. I knew it was going to be hard to wait – but I was still apprehensive. Even though I was a perfect candidate, I still wasn’t sold on going through surgery, and the recovery process again…

Next, the roadblock that gave me the confidence I needed to choose surgery amidst the uncertainty. Have you ever experienced a roadblock? I think roadblocks are placed before us at the right time to help us realize what we truly want.

Thank you for reading, sharing, and following along! Hope you have the best weekend!

If you’d like to continue reading, I’ve linked each post here:

Previous Posts: Part 1 | Part 2

Next Post: Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Post 11 | Part 12

*Surgeon – Dr. Scott Blumenthal of the Texas Back Institute – Center for Disc Replacement

Hospital – Texas Health Center for Diagnostics & Surgery

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